Creating games is hard, and creating web3 games brings additional challenges. Luckily, game builders on Solana aren’t alone; they benefit from numerous existing tools and services designed specifically to empower game builders.

The Solana Games Kit is a collection of such tools and services being developed in the Solana ecosystem to empower game developers and accelerate the development of amazing web3 games on Solana. We encourage game builders to check out the resources below to see if any might be a fit for you and your games!

The Games Kit has a few main buckets:

Solana Ecosystem Tools: let you integrate easily with Solana for common web3 gaming use-cases

Games Backend: keep your web2 games back-end and Solana in sync

Marketing and Distribution: acquire web3 users, at scale

Solana Mobile Stack: build mobile crypto games with great web3 UX


Solana Ecosystem Tools

Games Backend

Marketing and Distribution

Solana Mobile Stack

<aside> 💡 Building tools/resources that should be on this list but aren’t? Please let us know! Email [email protected] with a description of what you’re building so we can add you to the Games Kit!


Odds and Ends